Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ecclestone pushing to dump Formula 1 turbo V6 plans

F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone with palm tree

Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone is unhappy with his series' proposed engine change. SPEED is reporting that Ecclestone believes the introduction of the turbocharged V6 mill should be postponed or even dropped altogether.

While one may think the leading concern for the Ecclestone are the budgets tied to developing the new engines, his issue with the V6 is reportedly far more simple than that. No, Ecclestone has a problem with the way the turbocharged V6 powerplants sound.

The SPEED report notes Ecclestone's reaction: "I listened to the noise of the engines in Maranello the other day, the new engine and the old engine, and even (Ferrari President) Luca di Montezemolo said it sounded terrible."

As superficial of a qualm Ecclestone might have with the engine note, that whine of a high-revving V8 has become an integral part of the identify of F1 it may be imprudent to meddle with with such an important part of the brand.

FIA president Jean Todt had previously stated that there will not be another delay in the rollout of the new powerplant, but Australian Grand Prix president and Ecclestone-ally Ron Walker says "The circuits will all support Bernie in his quest to keep the same engine, because it will mean great savings in the cost burden of running the sport."

Given that we are just 18 months from the start of the 2014 season, we will be anxious to see what the final decision is on engine formula and how soon it is made. Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz, and Renault are not waiting around to find out what Bernie's decision is, as they are gradually converting their dynos over to V6 use and will continue to develop the new engine in the meantime.


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