Friday, October 12, 2012

Watch these motorcyclists duke it out in hand-to-hand combat to decide a race winner

XR1200 New Orleans last lap pass

All other things being equal, motorcycle racing isn't meant to be a contact sport. Sure, the well-used saying 'rubbing is racing' applies here from time to time, but that's the exception, not the rule. And even in that case, it's the bikes making contact, not the riders.

All of that makes the video below all the more worth watching. Here's the scene: Tyler O'Hara is in second place behind Michael Barnes, both pilots mounted on Harley-Davidson XR1200 motorcycles, on the last corner of the last lap. The race couldn't be closer... until, that is, O'Hara decides to reach out and touch Barnes in an effort to complete the pass.

It worked. O'Hara slowed Barnes down just enough that he was able to push past and take the win. At least for a little while. The American Motorcyclists Association retroactively gave the victory to Barnes, punishing O'Hara all the way into last place. If you live in the US, you can watch the action unfold in the video below.


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